Avocent Network Card LongView Wireless Installer User Manual |
LongVie w® Wire le s s
Installer/ User Guide
LongVie w® Wire le s s
Installer/ User Guide
Avocent, the Avocent logo, The Pow er of Being There and
LongView are registered tradem arks of Avocent Corporation
or its affliates. All other m arks are the property of their respec-
tive ow ners.
© 2003 Avocent Corporation. All rights reserved.
USA Notification
War n ing: Changes or m odification s to th is u n it not expressly approved by the par ty
respon sible for com pliance cou ld void the u ser ’s author ity to operate the equ ipm ent.
Note: Th is equ ipm ent has been tested and fou nd to com ply w ith the lim its for a Class
A digital device, pu rsuant to Par t 15 of the FCC Ru les. These lim its are designed to
provide reasonable protection again st har m fu l inter ference when the equ ipm ent
is operated in a com m ercial environ m ent. Th is equ ipm ent generates, u ses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not in stalled and u sed in accordance w ith the
in str uction s, m ay cau se har m fu l inter ference to radio com m u n ication s. Operation of
th is equ ipm ent in a residential area is likely to cau se har m fu l inter ference, in wh ich
case the u ser w ill be requ ired to cor rect the inter ference at h is ow n expen se.
Canadian Notification
Th is digital apparatu s does not exceed the Class A lim its for radio noise em ission s
from digital apparatu s set out in the Radio Inter ference Regu lation s of the Canadian
Depar tm ent of Com m u n ication s.
Le présent appareil nu m ér ique n’ém et pas de br u its radioélectr iques dépassant
les lim ites applicables au x appareils nu m ér iques de la classe A prescr ites
dan s le Règlem ent su r le brou illage radioélectr ique édicté par le Min istère des
Com m u n ication s du Canada.
Agency Approvals
FCC class A, UL, cUL
Ta ble of Conte nts
Chapter 1: Product Overview
Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Compatibility with Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 2: Installation
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Installing a LongView Wireless Extender . . . . . . . 10
Chapter 3: Operations
Powering the LongView Wireless Extender . . . . . . 15
Informational Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fine-Tuning the Image Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Im a ge Adju stm ent Using
the LongView Wireless OSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Appendix A: Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 21
Appendix B: Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Appendix C: Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Appendix D: Understanding Wireless . . . . . . . . . . 26
Product Ove rvie w
Con ten ts
Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Compatibility with Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 1: Product Overview
Cha pte r 1: Product Ove rvie w
Features and Benefits
Avocent’s LongView ® Wireless Extender con nects Keyboard, Video, Mouse
(KVM) and audio peripherals w irelessly to you r com puter, from up to 100
feet away. LongView Wireless is a digital system that processes analog video,
inbou nd and outbou nd, utilizing a u n ique, proprietar y com pression engine.
At the hear t of the com pression engine is a m u ltim edia DSP and an FPGA
that are coupled to an IEEE 802.11a radio board.
Its industr y standard design m akes LongView Wireless com patible w ith
vir tually any PC, display tech nology and operating system . Installation is
essentially Plug and Play requ iring no new drivers or software.
Figure 1.1: LongView Wireless Model
The LongView Wireless On-Screen Display (OSD)
The LongView Wireless OSD m akes it sim ple to set up and adjust you r video
param eters. Accessed from the receiver side, the OSD m akes tu n ing you r
video fast and conven ient.
LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Access User
LongView Wireless
LongView Wireless
Figure 1.2: Example LongView Wireless Configuration
Secure connectivity and 802.11a standards-based design
Advanced Encr yption Standard (AES) provides secu re con nections th rough
a proprietar y design based on the 802.11a standard.
The LongView Wireless transmitter
The LongView Wireless transm itter con nects directly to you r com puter
and ser ves as the radio inter face device enabling the com puter to transm it
audio and video data. It also acts as the receiver for keyboard and m ouse
data sou rced from extended devices. The LongView Wireless transm itter
contains five chassis-m ou nted con nectors for local video, keyboard and
m ouse peripherals, in addition to power and audio in from the com puter.
It includes a 3.5 foot cable w ith video and PS/2 keyboard and m ouse
con nectors. Power is supplied to the transm itter from a u n iversal input 12 V
DC sw itch ing power supply (included).
The LongView Wireless receiver
The LongView Wireless receiver con nects directly to you r user inter face
devices (keyboard, video m on itor and m ouse) and ser ves as the radio
inter face device for these com ponents. It receives audio and video data from
the sou rce com puter and sends keyboard and m ouse data from the user
inter face devices to the sou rce com puter. The LongView Wireless receiver
has five chassis-m ou nted con nectors for video, keyboard, m ouse and audio
peripherals and power. Power is supplied to the transm itter from a u n iversal
input 12 V DC sw itch ing power supply (included).
Chapter 1: Product Overview
Compatibility with Peripherals
The LongView Wireless is com patible w ith the follow ing per ipherals:
Keyboard- The LongView Wireless transm itter and receiver suppor t
vir tually any standard PS/2 keyboard.
Mouse - The LongView Wireless transm itter and receiver suppor t 2-
button PS/2 m ice. Mice that have m ore than two buttons work w ith the
reduced fu nctionality of a 2-button m ouse.
Video- The LongView Wireless Extender suppor ts VGA, SVGA and XGA
resolutions up to 60 Hz refresh rate. Both CRT and LCD m on itors w ith
standard 15-pin h igh density con nectors are suppor ted.
Audio- Speakers and headphones w ith 3.5 m m audio plugs are
suppor ted on the receiver side of you r LongView Wireless Extender,
provided the transm itter has been con nected to the sou nd card of you r
PC w ith the provided audio cable.
Safety Precautions
To avoid potential video and/or keyboard problem s when using Avocent products:
If the bu ilding has 3-phase AC power, ensu re that the com puter and
m on itor are on the sam e phase. For best resu lts, they shou ld be on the
sam e circu it.
Use on ly Avocent-supplied cable to con nect com puters and KVM
sw itches. Avocent war ranties do not apply to dam age resu lting from
u ser -supplied cable.
To avoid potentially fatal shock hazard and possible dam age to equ ipm ent,
please obser ve the follow ing precautions:
Do not use a 2-w ire extension cord in any Avocent product con figu ration.
Test AC outlets at the com puter and m on itor for proper polarity
and grou nding.
Use on ly w ith grou nded outlets at both the com puter and m on itor. When
using a backup Un iter ruptible Power Supply (UPS), power the com puter
and the LongView Wireless transm itter u n it off the supply.
NOTE: The AC inlet is the main disconnect.
LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Ins ta lla tion
Con ten ts
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Installing a LongView Wireless Extender . . . . . . . 10
Chapter 2: Installation
Cha pte r 2: Ins ta lla tion
Getting Started
Before installing you r LongView Wireless Extender, refer to the list below to
ensu re that you have all the item s that sh ipped w ith the LongView Wireless.
Supplied with the LongView Wireless Extender
You r LongView Wireless package contains the follow ing item s:
LongView Wireless transm itter
LongView Wireless receiver
Two local cou ntr y power supplies
Audio cable
LongView Wireless Installer/User Gu ide
LongView Wireless Qu ick Installation Gu ide
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LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Installing a LongView Wireless Extender
Follow the step -by-step procedu res listed in the To insta ll a LongView
Wireless tra nsmitter and To insta ll a LongView Wireless receiver sections to
properly install you r new KVM extension system .
WARNING: To re duce the risk of e le ctric shock or damage to your e quipme nt -
- Disconnect the power from the unit by unplugging the power supply from the electrical outlet.
To install a LongView Wireless transmitter:
1. Ensu re that the video setting of you r com puter is 1024 x 768, 800 x 600
or 640 x 480 at 60 Hz refresh rate. Best per for m ance w ill be ach ieved if
the color resolution is set to 24 bit color or h igher.
2. Power dow n the com puter th at w ill be pa r t of you r Lon gView
Wir eless Extender.
3. Unplug the per ipherals (keyboard, m ou se, m on itor and speakers w ith
bu ilt-in am plifiers, if applicable) from you r com puter.
Peripheral Cables
Audio Cable
Figure 2.1: LongView Wireless Transmitter Installation Example
Chapter 2: Installation
1 1
4. Prepare locations for you r LongView Wireless equ ipm ent, com puter
and peripherals. Place the transm itter near you r com puter. Best
per form ance is ach ieved when the anten nas are clearly visible and free
from obstr uctions.
5. Con nect the LongView Wireless transm itter cables into the com puter ’s
PS/2 keyboard (pu r ple con nector), PS/2 m ouse (green con nector) and
m on itor con nections (blue con nector).
6. Using the supplied audio cable, con nect one end to the LongView
Wireless tran sm itter ’s audio input con nection (lim e green con nector)
and the other end to the com puter ’s audio output con nection (lim e
green con nector).
7. Connect your LongView Wireless transm itter to an AC power source with
one of the power supplies included with your LongView Wireless Extender.
NOTE: The transmitter must be powered up before the computer.
NOTE: Use only an Avocent-supplied power supply.
8. Power up you r com puter.
Connecting the LongView Wireless receiver
Vir tually any industr y-standard display device can be attached to the
LongView Wireless receiver, as long as it has a 15-pin D shell con nector
for video input and can accept VGA (640 x 480), SVGA (800 x 600) and XGA
(1024 x 768) resolution video.
To install a LongView Wireless receiver:
1. Select a location for your LongView Wireless receiver. Find a convenient
position for locating the LongView Wireless receiver, such as a desktop
that is near your extended display. Best perform ance is achieved when the
antennas are clearly visible and free from obstructions.
2. Con nect the extended display’s video input into the LongView Wireless
receiver ’s video input (blue con nector).
NOTE: The extended display must have a standard 15 -pin D-shell RGB analog interface.
1 2
LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
3. Con nect the extended display’s PS/2 keyboard and m ouse (if applicable)
into the LongView Wireless receiver ’s keyboard con nection (pu r ple
con nector) and m ouse con nection (green con nector).
Figure 2.2: LongView Wireless Receiver Installation Example
4. Con nect you r speakers into the LongView Wireless receiver ’s audio
output con nection (lim e green con nector).
5. Con nect the LongView Wireless power supply into the LongView
Wireless receiver and into the AC power sou rce.
NOTE: Use only an Avocent-supplied power supply.
6. Con nect you r m on itor ’s power supply to appropriate electrical outlets.
Ope ra tions
Con ten ts
Powering the LongView Wireless Extender . . . . . . 15
Informational Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fine-Tuning the Image Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Im a ge Adju stm ent Using
the LongView Wireless OSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 3: Operations
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Cha pte r 3: Ope ra tions
Powering the LongView Wireless Extender
The LongView Wireless u n its (transm itter and receiver) have been factor y
con figu red to operate as a com pan ion pair. The in itial radio lin k between
the two u n its is established by the receiver, although all other aspects of the
lin k are controlled by the transm itter. Once the radio lin k is established,
m ouse, keyboard, video and audio data is free to flow between the two u n its.
To power up the LongView Wireless Extender:
1. Com plete all of the installation steps. See Chapter 2.
2. Power up the LongView Wireless transm itter and wait for the m iddle
LED m arked as S2 to illu m inate.
3. Power up the m on itor attached to the LongView Wireless receiver.
4. Power up the LongView Wireless receiver.
5. Power up you r com puter.
NOTE: Always power up the LongView Wireless transmitter and wait for the middle LED
marked S2 to illuminate before powering up your computer.
Informational Messages
When the LongView Wireless receiver is powered up, it w ill display a
m essage on the com puter m on itor to wh ich it is attached:
Sea rching for CLT_000c4116bc7b
The 000c4116bc7b is replaced by the MAC id of the radio board in you r
transm itter u n it. Th is m essage indicates that you r receiver u n it is actively
search ing for its com pan ion transm itter. When it finds the com pan ion
transm itter, it w ill display a second m essage beneath the first:
Connecting to CLT_000c4116bc7b
The 000c4116bc7b is replaced by the MAC id of the radio board in you r
transm itter u n it. Th is m essage indicates that you r receiver u n it is
establish ing the radio lin k w ith you r transm itter u n it. When th is lin k is
established, both m essages w ill be rem oved and the m on itor w ill display
video in form ation from you r com puter.
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LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Both the LongView Wireless transm itter and receiver contain th ree LEDs
visible from the front of each u n it. The LEDs are labeled on the u n it.
Figure 3.1: Transmitter LEDs
LED Conditions
No Activity, Power is On
No Activity, Power is Off
Establish Link
Fine-Tuning the Image Settings
Once the radio lin k has been established, and the m on itor attached to the
receiver is displaying com puter generated video, som e fine -tu n ing of the
video settings m ay be desired. Th is fine -tu n ing shou ld on ly be necessar y
the first tim e that a LongView Wireless transm itter is used w ith a par ticu lar
com puter; settings, once adjusted, are saved in the transm itter u n it.
A m ouse or keyboard driven m enu , called the On -Screen Display (OSD),
enables you to per form these adjustm ents. The LongView OSD allows you
to use an Auto Setup featu re to adjust the im age settings, or enables you to
m anually adjust any of the individual im age settings. New settings m ay be
tem porarily or perm anently saved.
Main menu options
The LongView Wireless Main m enu has two options- Auto Setup and
Lin k Status. The Auto Setup checks the video param eters for you r sou rce
com puter and then autom atically optim izes the video quality por trayed on
you r m on itors. The Lin k Status indicates the signal strength of the w ireless
con nection between you r LongView Wireless transm itter and receiver.
Chapter 3: Operations
1 7
Advanced menu options
The LongView Wireless OSD Advanced m enu allows you to fine -tu ne the
video settings that were established w ith the Auto Setup fu nction . You m ay
tu ne the horizontal and ver tical position of the video m on itor w indow, as
well as adju st the brightness and contrast of the video im age. You m ay also
adjust the video clock phase in the LongView Wireless transm itter relative
to the video clock at you r sou rce com puter to assu re the cleanest, shar pest
video im age.
Image Adjustment Using the LongView Wireless OSD
When con figu ring the OSD, you m ay use the Auto Setup fu nction to
autom atically optim ize the video of you r LongView Wireless Extender, or
you m ay choose to optim ize it m anually.
To optimize video automatically:
1. Activate the OSD Main m enu on the receiver u n it by pressing and
holding the left Shift key followed by the right Shift key and then
releasing both .
2. Optim ize the video setup of your Wireless Extender by selecting Auto Setup
- Run. This will autom atically optim ize your video setup param eters.
3. From the OSD Main m enu , select Finish at the bottom to save you r OSD,
keyboard and Auto Setup param eters.
-or -
Select Ca ncel to exit w ithout saving changes.
To optimize video manually:
If you r m on itor im age requ ires fu r ther adjustm ent after r u n n ing the Auto
Setup, you m ay use the Advanced Setup options from the LongView Wireless
OSD m enu .
1. Activate the OSD Main m enu on the receiver u n it by pressing and
holding the left Shift key followed by the right Shift key and then
releasing both .
2. Select the Adva nced tab from the OSD Main m enu .
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LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
3. On the OSD Advanced m enu , use the fine -tu n ing options to m ake
fu rther adjustm ents to you r video im age, as needed.
Press the Le ft or Right ar rows keys to m ake adjustm ents for:
Horizontal Position
Ver tical Position
Clock Phase
4. Select Finish at the bottom of the Main OSD m enu to save the param eters.
-or -
If you w ish to exit w ithout saving changes, select the Ca ncel button .
Appe ndice s
Con ten ts
Appendix A: Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 21
Appendix B: Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Appendix C: Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Appendix D: Understanding Wireless . . . . . . . . . . 26
2 1
Appe ndice s
Appendix A: Technical Specifications
LongVie w Wire le s s Product S pe cifications
(4.45 cm)
Antenna extends 4.75” (12.07 cm) above lower
surface of housing
1 lb
(15.88 cm)
(13.34 cm)
(0.45 kg)
Environmental/ Power
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Power Supply
0°C to 40°C
-20°C to 50°C
12Vdc @ 1A from supplied 100 to 240 VAC 50/60
Hz switching power supply
Video Link Performance
Video Link Compatibility
Video Interface
640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768
VGA compatible with analog RGB
(15-Pin D-shell), non-interlaced
60 Hz refresh rate
Audio Support
Supported Hardware
Analog audio
Most standard computers with the
exception of Macintosh
Video Resolution
PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse, speakers
Radio Protocol
Radio Frequency
Radio Modulation
Nominal Output Power
IEEE 802.11a
5150-5250; 5250-5350; 5725-5825 MHz
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)
XGA video resolution to 100 feet
AES encryption with 802.1x authentication
Regulatory Compliance Standards
FCC Class A, UL, cUL
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LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Appendix B: Technical Support
Ou r Tech n ical Suppor t staff is ready to assist you w ith any installation or
operating issues you encou nter w ith you r Avocent product. If an issue
shou ld develop, follow the steps below for the fastest possible ser vice:
1. Check the Troubleshooting section of th is m anual to see if the issue can
be resolved by follow ing the procedu res outlined. See Appendix C.
2. Check ou r web site at w w w.avocent.com /suppor t to search the
knowledge base or use the on -line ser vice request.
3. Call Avocent Tech n ical Suppor t for assistance at (888) 793-8763. Visit
Suppor t Phone Numbers for cu r rent phone suppor t hou rs.
2 3
Appendix C: Troubleshooting
No powe r s ta tus light on tra ns mitte r or re ce ive r
Verify that the green LED on the separate Avocent-supplied power supply is
illuminated, indicating that the power supply is plugged in correctly.
Ensure that the power cable from the Avocent-supplied power supply is
securely plugged into the LongView Wireless transmitter or LongView
Wireless receiver unit.
No vide o on monitor a tta che d to tra ns mitte r
Verify that the monitor has power and is switched on.
Ensure that the video cable from the LongView Wireless transmitter is securely
plugged in to the correct connector on the computer.
Ensure that the video cable from the monitor is securely plugged in to the correct
connector on the LongView Wireless transmitter.
Verify that the computer is switched on.
As a last check, plug the video cable from the monitor directly into the computer
to verify that the monitor is working and that the computer is generating active
video. If this is functioning, check that the display settings for your computer are
set no higher than a resolution of 1024 x 768 at 60 Hz refresh rate. If the monitor
does not function correctly, replace it.
No mous e a nd / or ke yboa rd ope ra tion from pe riphe ra ls a tta che d to tra ns mitte r
Verify that the mouse and keyboard are connected to the correct PS /2 ports on
the computer. Match the connector color codes (green is mouse and purple
is keyboard).
If the LongView Wireless transmitter was powered up after the computer, turn off
the computer and transmitter. Power up the LongView Wireless transmitter unit,
wait for the middle LED to illuminate, then power up the computer.
Retest the mouse and keyboard by connecting them directly to the computer
and rebooting the computer. If one does not function correctly, replace the
non-functioning peripheral.
No vide o on monitor a tta che d to re ce ive r
Verify that the monitor attached to the LongView Wireless receiver has power and
is switched on.
Ensure that the video cable from the monitor is securely plugged in to the correct
connector on the LongView Wireless receiver.
Ensure that the video cable from the LongView Wireless transmitter is securely
plugged in to the correct connector on the computer.
Verify that the computer is switched on.
Cycle power to the LongView Wireless receiver. An informational message
should appear on the monitor for a brief moment. If the message does not
appear, check the monitor by plugging the video cable from the monitor directly
into the computer to verify that the monitor is working and that the computer is
generating active video. If this is functioning, check that the display settings for
your computer are set no higher than a resolution of 1024 x 768 at 60 Hz refresh
rate. If the monitor does not function correctly, replace it.
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LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Verify that all three LEDs on both the LongView Wireless transmitter and the
LongView Wireless receiver are illuminated a short period of time after power up
(30 seconds or less). If all three LEDs are not illuminated, move the LongView
Wireless receiver closer to the LongView Wireless transmitter unit until all LEDs
are illuminated.
As a last check, plug the video cable from the monitor directly into the computer
to verify that the monitor is working and that the computer is generating active
video. If this is functioning, check that the display settings for your computer are
set no higher than a resolution of 1024 x 768 at 60 Hz refresh rate. If the monitor
does not function correctly, replace it.
No mous e a nd / or ke yboa rd ope ra tion from pe riphe ra ls a tta che d to re ce ive r
Ensure that the mouse and keyboard operation cables are connected to the
correct PS /2 ports on the LongView Wireless receiver. Match the connector color
codes (green is mouse and purple is keyboard).
Ensure that the mouse and keyboard cables from the LongView Wireless
transmitter are connected to the correct PS/2 ports on the computer. Match the
connector color codes (green is mouse and purple is keyboard).
Verify that all three LEDs on both the LongView Wireless transmitter and the
LongView Wireless receiver are illuminated a short period of time after power up
(30 seconds or less). If all three LEDs are not illuminated, move the LongView
Wireless receiver closer to the LongView Wireless transmitter unit until all LEDs
are illuminated.
Retest the mouse and keyboard by connecting them directly to the computer
and rebooting the computer. If one does not function correctly, replace the
non-functioning peripheral.
No a udio from s pe a ke rs a tta che d to re ce ive r
Ensure that the audio cable is securely plugged into the line in port of the
LongView Wireless transmitter unit.
Ensure that the audio cable is securely plugged into the line out port of the
computer (should be color coded green).
Ensure that the speaker cable is securely plugged into the line out port of the
LongView Wireless receiver unit.
Verify that all three LEDs on both the LongView Wireless transmitter and the
LongView Wireless receiver are illuminated a short period of time after the power
up (30 seconds or less). If all three LEDs are not illuminated, move the LongView
Wireless receiver closer to the LongView Wireless transmitter unit until all LEDs
are illuminated.
Retest the speakers by connecting them directly to the computer. If they do not
function correctly, replace them.
Poor vide o qua lity on monitor a tta che d to re ce ive r
Run Auto Setup from the OSD. Remember to click Finish to save new settings.
Ensure that the video cable from the monitor is securely plugged in to the correct
connector on the LongView Wireless receiver.
Ensure that the video cable from the LongView Wireless transmitter is securely
plugged in to the correct connector on the computer.
2 5
Slow re s pons e from pe riphe ra ls a tta che d to LongVie w Wire le s s re ce ive r
Run Auto Setup from the OSD. Remember to click Finish to save new settings.
The distance between the two LongView Wireless units may be too great,
reducing the quantity of data that can be sent through the radio link. Move the
LongView Wireless receiver closer to the LongView Wireless transmitter.
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LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Appendix D: Understanding Wireless
Wireless technology is being used in m any innovative ways to help people
work and com m unicate m ore efficiently. Increased m obility and the absence
of cabling and other fixed infrastructure have proven to be beneficial for
m any users.
People use w ireless tech nology for m any different pu r poses:
Mobility – productivity increases when people h ave access to data in
any location w ith in the operating range of their Wireless Extender.
Man agem ent decision s based on real-tim e in for m ation can
sign ificantly im prove worker efficiency.
Low Im plem entation Costs – Wireless Extenders are easy to set up,
m anage, change and relocate. Environ m ents that change frequently
benefit from the ease of im plem enting w ireless. Wireless Extenders
operate in locations where installation of w iring m ay be im practical.
Installation and Network Expansion – installing a Wireless Extender
can be fast and easy and can elim inate the need to pu ll cable th rough
walls and ceilings. Wireless tech nology allows the network to go where
w ires can not go – even outside the hom e or office.
Standards-based technology
The LongView Wireless tran sm itter and receiver utilize a propr ietar y
design based on the 802.11a standard. The IEEE 802.11a standard is an
exten sion of the 802.11b standard. It increases the data rate up to 54 Mbps
w ith in the 5 GHz band, utilizing OFDM tech nology.
Th is tech nology works by transm itting h igh -speed digital data over a radio
wave utilizing OFDM tech nology. OFDM works by splitting the radio signal
into m u ltiple sm aller sub -signals that are then transm itted sim u ltaneously
at different frequencies to the receiver. OFDM reduces the am ou nt of
crosstalk (inter ference) in signal transm issions.
Installation considerations
The LongView Wireless Extender allows you to access you r com puter using
a w ireless con nection from vir tually anywhere w ith in its operating range.
Keep in m ind, however, that the nu m ber, th ickness and location of walls,
ceilings and other objects that the w ireless signals m ust pass th rough m ay
lim it the range. Typical ranges var y depending on the types of m aterials and
backgrou nd RF (radio frequency) noise in you r hom e or business.
2 7
To maximize your wireless range:
1. Keep the nu m ber of walls and ceilings between the transm itter and
receiver to a m in im u m – each wall or ceiling can reduce you r w ireless
product’s range.
2. Be aware of the direct line between you r transm itter and receiver. A
wall that is 1.5 feet th ick (.5 m eters), at a 45° angle appears to be alm ost
3 feet (1 m eter) th ick. At a 2° angle, it looks over 42 feet (14 m eters) th ick!
Position you r devices so that the signal w ill travel straight th rough a
wall or ceiling for better reception .
3. Bu ilding m aterials can im pede the w ireless signal – a solid m etal door or
alu m inu m studs m ay have a negative effect on range. Tr y to position you r
w ireless devices and com puters w ith w ireless adaptors so that the signal
passes th rough drywall or open doorways and not other m aterials.
4. Keep you r LongView Wireless transm itter and receiver away (at least
3 to 6 feet or 1 to 2 m eters) from electrical devices or appliances that
generate extrem e RF noise.
2 8
LongView Wireless Installer/User Guide
Avocent Corporation warrants to the original retail purchaser that this product is and will be free from defects in
m aterials and workm anship for a period of 24 m onths from the date of purchase.
Additionally, all Avocent products carry an unconditional thirty-day satisfaction guarantee. If, for any reason,
you are dissatisfied with the perform ance of this product, you m ay return it to the point of purchase for a
refund of the purchase price (excluding shipping charges). This guarantee does not apply to special order
products, and m ay not be available through all resellers. During the warranty period, purchaser m ust prom ptly
call Avocent for a RETURN MATERIALS AUTHORIZATION (RMA) number. Make sure that the RMA number
appears on the packing slip, proof of purchase, AND ON THE OUTSIDE OF EACH SHIPPING CARTON.
Unauthorized returns or collect shipm ents will be refused.
Ship prepaid to:
Avocent Corporation
4991 Corporate Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805 U.S.A.
Telephone: (256) 430-4000
The above lim ited warranty is voided by occurrence of any of the following events, upon which the product is
provided as is, with all faults, and with all disclaim ers of warranty identified below :
1. If non-Avocent approved cabling is attached to the unit. Poorly constructed and m iswired cabling can
dim inish video quality and dam age equipm ent. Avocent m anufactured cabling is built to high quality
standards utilizing overall braided shield to com ply with FCC em ission standards, and each cable is
individually tested under load.
2. If defect or m alfunction was caused by abuse, m ishandling, unauthorized repair, or use other
than intended.
3. If unauthorized m odifications were m ade to product.
4. If unreported dam ages occurred in any shipm ent of the product.
5. If dam ages were due to or caused by equipm ent or software not provided by Avocent.
6. If the unit is used with non-grounded or incorrectly polarized AC power.
7. If the product is used in contradiction to any instruction provided by any User Guide or Instruction
Sheet provided to you or with the product.
8. If the product is dam aged due to power surges, water exposure or act of God including lightning.
©2003 Avocent Corporation. All rights reserved.
For Technical Support:
Email: support@avocent.com
Avocent International Ltd.
Avocent House, Shannon Free Zone
Shannon, County Clare, Ireland
Tel: +353 61 715 292
Avocent Corporation
4991 Corporate Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35805-6201 USA
Tel: +1 256 430 4000
Fax: +353 61 471 871
Fax: +1 256 430 4031
Avocent Germany
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Fax: +656 223 9155
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50 Mural Street, Unit 5
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4B 1E4 Canada
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