This document briefly explains the operations that need to be performed by the user in order to
connect an ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90, ETERNUS DX410/DX440, or ETERNUS DX8100/
DX8400/DX8700 Disk storage system to a Linux server.
This document should be used in conjunction with any other applicable user manuals, such as
those for the ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90, ETERNUS DX410/DX440, or ETERNUS DX8100/
DX8400/DX8700 Disk storage system, server, OS used, Fibre Channel cards, drivers, etc.
Note that this manual refers the following documents.
• Server Support Matrix
• Server Support Matrix for FC-SWITCH
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
Fibre Channel Switch Settings
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
- Driver Settings for PRIMERGY/PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series
- Driver Settings for PRIMEQUEST 500/400 Series
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with Emulex Fibre
Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with QLogic Fibre
Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with Emulex
Fibre Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with QLogic
Fibre Channel Cards
- for Linux device-mapper multipath
• Web GUI User Guide
• ETERNUSmgr Install Guide
• ETERNUSmgr User Guide
Also, note that in this document the ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90, ETERNUS DX410/DX440,
and ETERNUS DX8100/DX8400/DX8700 Disk storage systems are collectively referred to as
ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
Fifth Edition
August 2010
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
The Contents and Structure of this Manual
This document is composed of the following 11 chapters and an appendix.
This describes how to connect the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems to a server running
This describes which servers can be connected to ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
This describes issues that should be noted when connecting the ETERNUS DX Disk storage
systems and server.
This describes how to install ETERNUSmgr.
This describes how to use ETERNUSmgr to set up the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
This describes how to set up the Fibre Channel switches.
This describes how to install the Fibre Channel card drivers and set up the server.
This describes how to connect the server and ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
This describes how to recognize the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system logical units from
This describes how to set up and check the ETERNUS Multipath Driver.
This describes how to create a file system on the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
The restoration procedure for when a path degrades in a VERITAS Volume Manager
environment is described in the appendix.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Safe Use of this Product
■ Using this manual
This manual contains important information to ensure the safe use of this product. Be sure to
thoroughly read and understand its contents before using the product. After reading, store this
manual in a safe place for future reference.
FUJITSU has made every effort to ensure the safety of the users and other personnel, and to
prevent property damage. When using this product, carefully follow the instructions described in
this manual.
• Emulex is a trademark of Emulex Corp.
• QLogic is a trademark of QLogic Corp.
• Linux is a trademark or registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the USA and other
• Red Hat, PRM, and all Red Hat-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the USA and other countries.
• SUSE is a registered trademark of SUSE Linux AG., a subsidiary of Novell, Inc.
• Symantec, Symantec logo, VERITAS, and VERITAS logo are registered trademarks of
Symantec Corp. in the U.S. and its affiliated companies.
• VERITAS Volume Manager and VERITAS Cluster Server are trademarks of Symantec Corp.
and its affiliated companies.
• The company names, product names and service names mentioned in this document are
registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
Naming Conventions
■ Product Names
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux series products are as described below.
"xxx" in the following table indicates an architecture name (example: x86), and "x" indicates a
version number.
Product Names
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (for xxx)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x (for xxx)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS v.4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS v.4 Update x
RHEL5 (xxx)
RHEL5.x (xxx)
RHEL-AS4 Update x
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Product Names
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.4 for xxx)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (v.4 for xxx) Update x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (4.x for x86)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v.4
RHEL-AS4 (xxx)
RHEL-AS4 (xxx) Update x
RHEL-AS4.x (xxx)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v.4 Update x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4.x
RHEL-ES4 Update x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for xxx)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (v.4 for xxx) Update x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (4.x for xxx)
RHEL-ES4 (xxx)
RHEL-ES4 (xxx) Update x
RHEL-ES4.x (xxx)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server series products are as described below.
Product Names
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for x86
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for EM64T
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for Itanium Processor Family
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SLES11 (x86)
SLES11 (EM64T)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Service Packx
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for EM64T
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for Itanium Processor Family
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86 Service Packx
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for EM64T Service Packx
SLES10 (x86)
SLES10 (EM64T)
SLES10 (x86) SPx
SLES10 (EM64T) SPx
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for Itanium Processor Family
Service Packx
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Service Packx
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for x86
SLES9 (x86)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for EM64T
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for Itanium Processor Family
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for x86 Service Packx
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for EM64T Service Packx
SLES9 (x86) SPx
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for Itanium Processor Family
Service Packx
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
■ Other names
• "Channel Adapter" (CA) refers to the Fibre Channel interface module used in the ETERNUS
DX Disk storage systems to connect to the server.
• "Fibre Channel card" refers to the Fibre Channel interface module normally used in the
server. A "Host Bus Adapter" (HBA) or "Channel Adapter" (CA) may be used instead,
depending on the server.
• "Fibre Channel cable" refers to the cable that is used to connect the ETERNUS DX Disk
storage systems and server over a Fibre Channel interface. "FC cable", "optical fibre cable",
or "multi mode Fibre Channel cable" may be used instead, depending on the storage system.
• Italics are used to show variables such as values and characters that appear in command
parameters and output examples.
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow .................................................................................10
Server OS ........................................................................................................ 19
Chapter 3 Notes .......................................................................................21
3.1.1 SCSI Devices and Linux ............................................................................................................ 21
3.1.2 udev Function Notes .................................................................................................................. 21
Fibre Channel Card Notes ............................................................................... 22
Design Sheet Notes ......................................................................................... 23
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Displaying the Recognized Logical Units ......................................................... 30
9.1.1 For Red Hat Enterprise Linux .................................................................................................... 30
9.1.2 For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server ............................................................................................ 32
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
This chapter describes how to connect the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system to a server run-
ning Linux.
Procedure varies according to whether a single-path or multipath configuration is used.
When a Fibre Channel switch is used to make the connection, refer to the
"ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre
Channel) Fibre Channel Switch Settings" and use the procedure described.
When the Multipath Driver is not Used
The documents and workflow required when a multipath driver is not used are as follows.
Required Documents
• Server Support Matrix
• Server Support Matrix for FC-SWITCH
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
Fibre Channel Switch Settings
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
(This manual)
- Driver Settings for PRIMERGY/PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series
- Driver Settings for PRIMEQUEST 500/400 Series
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers
with Emulex Fibre Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers
with QLogic Fibre Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers
with Emulex Fibre Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers
with QLogic Fibre Channel Cards
• Web GUI User Guide
• ETERNUSmgr Install Guide
• ETERNUSmgr User Guide
• Other manuals provided with each product (server, Fibre Channel Cards, and Fibre Channel
Card Driver)
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.1 When the Multipath Driver is not Used
Install the ETERNUSmgr and Set Up the ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System
If the ETERNUSmgr is to be used, install it and set up the ETERNUS DX Disk storage
- Check the setup and maintenance operations.
• "Web GUI User Guide"
- Install ETERNUSmgr.
• "ETERNUSmgr Install Guide"
- Check ETERNUSmgr operation.
• "ETERNUSmgr User Guide"
- Set up the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
• "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90"
• "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series"
Set Up the Fibre Channel Switch
If a Fibre Channel switch is to be used, set it up and connect it now.
- Set up the Fibre Channel switch.
• "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
Fibre Channel Switch Settings"
- Check the Fibre Channel switch connection requirements.
• "Server Support Matrix for FC-SWITCH"
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.1 When the Multipath Driver is not Used
Install the Fibre Channel Card Driver
Install the appropriate driver for the Fibre Channel card being used.
Applicable manual varies according to the server, OS, and Fibre Channel Card type being
used. Select from the following list.
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for PRIMERGY/PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for PRIMEQUEST 500/400 Series"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with Emulex
Fibre Channel Cards"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with QLogic
Fibre Channel Cards"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Server with
Emulex Fibre Channel Cards"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with
QLogic Fibre Channel Cards"
- Check the Fibre Channel Card driver versions.
• "Server Support Matrix"
Connect the Server to the ETERNUS DX Disk Storage Systems
Connect the server and the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems using the Fibre Channel
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.1 When the Multipath Driver is not Used
Set the Server to Recognize the Logical Units
Set up the server so that it can recognize the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems' LUN
(logical units).
Create a File System
Create a file system.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.2 When the Multipath Driver is Used
When the Multipath Driver is Used
The multipath drivers that may be used, and the documents and workflow required when using a
multipath driver, are as follows.
Usable Multipath Drivers
• ETERNUS Multipath Driver
• GR Multipath Driver
• VERITAS Volume Manager
• device-mapper multipath
Required Documents
• Server Support Matrix
• Server Support Matrix for FC-SWITCH
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
Fibre Channel Switch Settings
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
(This manual)
- Driver Settings for PRIMERGY/PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series
- Driver Settings for PRIMEQUEST 500/400 Series
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with Emulex Fibre
Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with QLogic Fibre
Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with Emulex
Fibre Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with QLogic
Fibre Channel Cards
- for Linux device-mapper multipath
• Web GUI User Guide
• ETERNUSmgr Install Guide
• ETERNUSmgr User Guide
• Other manuals provided with each product (server, Fibre Channel Cards, Fibre Channel Card
Driver, Multipath Driver, and VxVM)
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.2 When the Multipath Driver is Used
Install and Set Up ETERNUSmgr
Install and set up the ETERNUSmgr software (if it is to be used).
- Check Web GUI operation.
• "Web GUI User Guide"
- Install ETERNUSmgr.
• "ETERNUSmgr Install Guide"
- Check ETERNUSmgr operation.
• "ETERNUSmgr User Guide"
- Set up the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
• "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90"
• "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series"
Set Up the Fibre Channel Switch
If a Fibre Channel switch is to be used, set it up and connect it now.
- Set up the Fibre Channel switch.
• "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
Fibre Channel Switch Settings"
- Check the Fibre Channel switch connection requirements.
• "Server Support Matrix for FC-SWITCH"
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.2 When the Multipath Driver is Used
Install the Fibre Channel Card Driver
Install the appropriate driver for the Fibre Channel card being used.
Applicable manual varies according to the server, OS, and Fibre Channel Card type being
used. Select from the following list.
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for PRIMERGY/PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for PRIMEQUEST 500/400 Series"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with Emulex
Fibre Channel Cards"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with QLogic
Fibre Channel Cards"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Server with
Emulex Fibre Channel Cards"
- Mount cards, install drivers, and perform setup.
• "Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with
QLogic Fibre Channel Cards"
- Check the Fibre Channel Card driver versions.
• "Server Support Matrix"
For ETERNUS Multipath
For VERITAS Volume
For device-mapper
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.2 When the Multipath Driver is Used
For ETERNUS Multipath
For VERITAS Volume
For device-mapper
Multipath Driver or GR
Multipath Driver
Multipath Driver or GR
Multipath Driver.
and Checking the
- Install and set up the
Multipath Driver.
• Manuals provided
with the Multipath
- Check the
Multipath Driver.
• "Server Support
Connect the Server to the ETERNUS DX Disk Storage Systems
Connect the server and the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems using the Fibre Channel
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Workflow
1.2 When the Multipath Driver is Used
Set the Server to Recognize the Logical Units
Set up the server so that it can recognize the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems’ LUN
(logical units).
For ETERNUS Multipath
For VERITAS Volume
For device-mapper
Create a File System
Create a file system.
Install VERITAS Volume Set up the device-
mapper multipath
Install and set up the
Manager software.
Set up and confirm the
- Install and set up the
Up and Checking the
• Documentation
provided with the
- Set up the device-
mapper multipath.
- Check the
Multipath Driver.
Disk storage
systems Server
Guide (Fibre
Channel) for
Linux device-
• "Server Support
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 2 Checking the Server Environment
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix" to check the server environment.
Server Hardware
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix".
Server OS
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix".
When using the PRIMERGY or PRIMEQUEST, install the driver provided
with the product or released on the Internet.
When installing a driver downloaded from the Emulex or QLogic Corp web-
site, the following packages are required for the compile operation:
• For Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Development Tool (For details, add Ruby)
- Kernel Development
- Legacy Software Development
• For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- Languages (C and C++)
- Kernel Sources
Fibre Channel Cards
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix".
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 2 Checking the Server Environment
2.4 ETERNUS Multipath Driver or GR Multipath Driver
ETERNUS Multipath Driver or GR Multipath Driver
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix" for ETERNUS Multipath Driver or GR Multipath Driver
usage conditions.
VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM)
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix" for VxVM usage conditions.
device-mapper multipath
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix" for device-mapper multipath usage conditions.
VERITAS Cluster Server
Refer to the "Server Support Matrix" for VERITAS Cluster Server usage conditions.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 3 Notes
Note the following issues when performing the relevant operation.
Connection Notes
SCSI Devices and Linux
The ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems represented to the server as set of Fibre Channel con-
nected SCSI disks. The server then handles the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems’ disks as
LUN (logical units). Under Linux, SCSI disk devices have the following definitions in "/dev":
Device (LUN)
sda1, sda2,. . . . sda15
sdb1, sdb2,. . . . sdb15
sdzl, sdz2,. . . . sdz15
sdaa1, sdaa2,. . . . sdaz15
sdba1, sdba2,. . . . sdbz15
sdca1, sdca2,. . . . sdcz15
sdda1, sdda2,. . . . sddx15
sdia1, sdia2,. . . . sdiv15
udev Function Notes
For RHEL-AS4 Update 4 or RHEL-ES4 Update 4 or later, note the following if using the udev
function's by-id names to access disks:
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems' setting
[Inquiry VPD ID Type] must be set to [Type1 + Type3 (Default)] in the Web GUI or
ETERNUSmgr [Set Host Response] window.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 3 Notes
3.2 Fibre Channel Card Notes
Fibre Channel Card Notes
When a Fibre Channel card is installed in the server after installation of the OS, it should be auto-
matically recognized the next time the OS is restarted. Proceed as follows:
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux
The kudzu starts automatically during the system reboot. Select "Ignore".
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
The "New hardware detection" window appears during the system reboot. Select "No".
Fibre Channel Switch Notes
• When using a Fibre Channel switch (ETERNUS SN200 series, Brocade DCX series) between
the server and ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems, it is necessary to prepare and set the
Fibre Channel switch in advance. When using a Fibre Channel switch (ETERNUS SN200
series, Brocade DCX series), be sure to read the "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems
Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) Fibre Channel Switch Settings".
• When 4Gbit/s QLogic Fibre Channel cards are connected to the ETERNUS SN200 series or
Brocade DCX series via Fibre Channel switch, and the SFP produces an incorrect linkup,
change the Fibre Channel card BIOS settings. Contact your maintenance engineer for SFP
Server Startup and Power Supply Control Notes
Before turning the server on, check that the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems and Fibre
Channel switches are all "Ready". If the server is turned on and they are not "Ready", the server
will not be able to recognize the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
Also, when the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system power supply is being controlled by a con-
nected server, make sure that the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system does not shut down
before the connected servers. Similarly, the Fibre Channel switches must also be turned off after
the connected servers have been shut down.
If turned off, data writes from the running server cannot be saved to the ETERNUS DX Disk stor-
age systems, and already saved data may also be affected.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 3 Notes
3.5 Design Sheet Notes
Design Sheet Notes
The design sheet is a spreadsheet program work sheet that is used to simplify the process of
installing the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
It is important to save the current environment after first installing the system and also after each
post installation system modification, addition, or maintenance operation. Creating a design
sheet makes installation and maintenance of the system easy.
VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) Notes
• Install VERITAS Array Support Library (ASL) after installing VxVM.
• Installing VxVM
VxVM should be installed as specified in its accompanying documentation.
• When using VxVM 5.0
If the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems are connected to a configuration that uses the
VxVM, the VERITAS Array Support Library (ASL) will also need to be installed.
Which version of VERITAS ASL is required will depend on the storage system and version of
VxVM used. Download the VERITAS ASL version that matches your environment from the
following Symantec web-site.
Refer to the Symantec web-site for VERITAS ASL installation details.
Storage system
OS version
ASL download URL
Red Hat
VxVM 5.0 MP1
or later
SUSE Linux
Red Hat
VxVM 5.0 MP1
or later
SUSE Linux
• When using VxVM 5.1
ASL does not need to be installed.
• If a path degrades when VERITAS Volume Manager is used, some volumes may not be suc-
cessfully recognized after path restoration regardless of the Linux version or VxVM version
that is installed.
In this case, volume recognition is required after restoring the LUN using the utility provided
by each Fibre Channel card vendor. Refer to "Appendix A Restoration Procedure for when a
Path Degrades in a VERITAS Volume Manager Environment" (page 35) for more details.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 3 Notes
3.7 VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) Notes
VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) Notes
• Installing VERITAS Cluster Server
VERITAS Cluster Server should be installed according to the directions given in the documen-
tation provided with VERITAS Cluster Server.
Notes on Connecting the ETERNUS DX Disk Storage
System to a Server
When connecting the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system to a server using a Fibre Channel
cable, make sure to confirm that all the settings on the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system are
complete. The WWN Automatic Acquisition function should not be used because it requires the
server to be connected.
Otherwise, LUNs in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system may not be recognized properly.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 4 Installing and Setting Up the
If ETERNUSmgr is to be used, install it according to the directions given in the "ETERNUSmgr
Install Guide". After the installation, set up ETERNUSmgr following the instructions in the
"ETERNUSmgr User Guide".
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 5 Setting Up the ETERNUS DX Disk
Storage Systems
Set up the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems using Web GUI or ETERNUSmgr.
ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems' setup can be performed independently of server setup.
For details on how to perform these settings, refer to the "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems
Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for
ETERNUS DX60/DX80/DX90", "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide
(Fibre Channel) ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Settings for ETERNUS DX400/DX8000
series", "Web GUI User Guide", and "ETERNUSmgr User Guide".
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 6 Setting the Fibre Channel Switches
This chapter describes about the required settings for connecting ETERNUS DX Disk storage
system via Fibre Channel switches.
Set the Fibre Channel switches according to "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server
Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) Fibre Channel Switch Settings".
When setting the access path using the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser,
Host Response No. will be set to default values.
Set the Host Response No. after setting the access path using the
ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 7 Installing and Setting Up the Drivers
Install the Fibre Channel Card driver, and set up the server environment.
Refer to each "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
for Linux Driver Settings" for detailed setting procedures.
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
- Driver Settings for PRIMERGY/PRIMEQUEST 1000 Series
- Driver Settings for PRIMEQUEST 500/400 Series
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with Emulex Fibre
Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Other Brand Servers with QLogic Fibre
Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with Emulex
Fibre Channel Cards
- Driver Settings for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on Other Brand Servers with QLogic
Fibre Channel Cards
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 8 Connecting the Server to the ETERNUS
DX Disk Storage Systems
After all the required drivers have been installed, shut down the OS and make sure the server is
turned off.
Connect the shutdown server to the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems using Fibre Channel
cables, then restart the OS.
The server and ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems must be connected for the procedures that
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 9 Logical Unit Recognition
At boot up, Linux automatically recognizes all SCSI disks and assigns them successive device
names starting from "sda". When assigning the device names, any internal SCSI disks are
assigned first, followed by the assignment of the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems' LUNs.
Example: If there is one internal SCSI disk, it is assigned a SCSI device name as follows:
SCSI device name
by-id name (Example)
Internal SCSI disk
ETERNUS DX Disk storage
systems' LUN
/dev/sdb or later
Displaying the Recognized Logical Units
The driver version and information of each LUN's SCSI device name, etc. are displayed in the
console message when Linux is booted up. Although this console message disappears soon
from the screen, it can be re-displayed using the following command:
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux
The driver version and information of each LUN's SCSI device name, etc. are displayed in the
console message when Linux is booted up. Although this console message disappears soon
from the screen, it can be re-displayed using the following command:
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 9 Logical Unit Recognition
9.1 Displaying the Recognized Logical Units
• "dmesg" command for LUN display
Use the "dmesg" command in order to confirm whether Linux has recognized the LUNs in the
ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems.
The following shows an example:
Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI/IP 4.21q
PCI:Found IRQ 10 for device 03:06.0
!lpfc0:031:Link Up Event received Data:1 1 1 2
PCI:Found IRQ 5 for device 04:02.0
IRQ routing conflict for 04:02.0,have irq 10,want irq 5
!lpfc0:031:Link Up Event received Data:1 1 1 2
scsi3:Emulex LPFC SCSI on PCI bus 03 device 30 irq 10
scsi4:Emulex LPFC SCSI on PCI bus 04 device 10 irq 10
Model: ETERNUS_DX400 Rev: 0000
Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 03
Model: ETERNUS_DX400 Rev: 0000
Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 03
• "cat" command for LUN display
Use the "cat" command to display the "/proc/scsi/scsi" file, where you can confirm the
recognized SCSI devices.
The following shows an example of this.
# cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Attached devices:
Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
Model: SAFTE; U160/M BP
Rev: 1023
ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi2 Channel: 02 Id: 00 Lun: 00
MegaRAID Model: LD0 RAID0 8677R
Rev: E
ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi3 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
Rev: 0000
ANSI SCSI revision: 03
Host: scsi3 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 01
Rev: 0000
ANSI SCSI revision: 03
At this point the Multipath Driver has not been set up yet, so two SCSI devices are shown for
each connected LUN (i.e. if there are 3 LUNs, 6 SCSI devices are shown).
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 9 Logical Unit Recognition
9.1 Displaying the Recognized Logical Units
For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
• Checking for LUNs in the boot message
Open the /var/log/boot.msg file to confirm that Linux has recognized the ETERNUS DX Disk
storage systems' LUNs.
The following shows an example (Messages can be scrolled (back and forth) using the arrow
<6>qla2x00_set_info starts at address - c3600060
<6>qla2x00: Found VID-1077 DID-2422 SSVID-1077 SSDID-134
<6>scsi(2): Found a QLA2422 @ bus l, device 0xa, 1rq 29, iobase 0xf9o0d000
<6>scsi2 : Qlogic QLA2422 PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter: bus l device
10 irq 29
Firmware version: 4.00.12, Driver version 7.07.01
← Driver version
<6>scsi3 : Qlogic QLA2422 PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter: bus l device
10 irq 30
Firmware version: 4.00.12, Driver version 7.07.01
← Driver version
<4> Vendor: FUJITSU Model: ETERNUS_DX400
<4> Type: Direct-Access
<4> Vendor: FUJITSU Model: ETERNUS_DX400
<4> Type: Direct-Access
Rev: 0000
ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Rev: 0000
ANSI SCSI revision: 05
<6>scsi(2:0:0:0): Enabled tagged queuing, queue depth 20.
<6>scsi(2:0:0:1): Enabled tagged queuing, queue depth 20.
<4>Attached scsi disk sdb at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
<4>Attached scsi disk sdb at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 1
<4>SCSI device sdb: 4096000 512-byte hdwr sectors (2097 MB)
<6> sdb: unknown partition table
<4>SCSI device sdb: 4096000 512-byte hdwr sectors (2097 MB)
<6> sdb: unknown partition table
• Checking for LUNs with the "cat" command
Use the "cat" command to display the "/proc/scsi/scsi" file, which contains a list of recognized
SCSI devices.
The following shows an example of this.
# cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
Vender: FUJITSU Model: MAP3735NC
Type: Direct-Access
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 08 Lun: 00
Vender: SDR Model: GEM318
Type: Processor
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
Vender: SEAGATE Model: DAT 9SP40-000
Type: Sequential-Access
Rev: 5207
ANSI SCSI revision: 03
Rev: 0
ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Rev: 9M38
ANSI SCSI revision: 03
Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
Vender: FUJITSU Model: ETERNUS_DX400
Rev: 0000
ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 01
Vender: FUJITSU Model: ETERNUS_DX400
Rev: 0000
ANSI SCSI revision: 05
At this point the Multipath Driver has not been set up yet, so two SCSI devices are shown for
each connected LUN (i.e. if there are 3 LUNs, 6 SCSI devices are shown).
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 10 Setting Up and Checking the Multipath
10.1 ETERNUS Multipath Driver or GR Multipath Driver
Refer to either the "ETERNUS Multipath Driver" or "GR Multipath Driver" manual (as applicable)
for the setup and confirmation procedures.
10.2 device-mapper multipath
Set up and confirm the device mapper multipaths.
Refer to the "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for
Linux device-mapper multipath" for the setup and confirmation procedures.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 11 Setting Up the File System
After Linux has recognized the ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems' LUNs, access for data stor-
age will be possible after completing the following steps:
• Setting up Partitions
• Formatting Partitions
• Mounting Partitions
If by-id names are being used with Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS v.4 Update
4 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES v.4 Update 4 or later, then the accessible
device names will be by-id names.
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Appendix A Restoration Procedure for when a Path Degrades
in a VERITAS Volume Manager Environment
If a path degrades when VERITAS Volume Manager is used, some volumes may not be recog-
nized properly after path restoration.
In this case, volume recognition is required after restoring LUN recognition using the Change
LUN State Utility provided by each Fibre Channel card vendor.
Check the Fibre Channel card's controller number and status.
Use the "vxdmpadm" command to check the controller number and controller status of the
Fibre Channel card that corresponds to the unrecognized volume.
1-1 Check the controller number of the Fibre Channel card in which there is a path
connected to the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
# vxdmpadm listctlr all
Example (for ETERNUS DX410)
# vxdmpadm listctlr all
In this example, the controller numbers of the Fibre Channel cards connected to the
ETERNUS DX410 are "c6" and "c7".
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Appendix A Restoration Procedure for when a Path Degrades in a VERITAS Volume
Manager Environment
1-2 Check the status of volume paths connected to each Fibre Channel card using the
In this step, check the controller number corresponding to the volume for which
"DISABLED" is displayed.
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths ctlr=c<controller number>
Example (for ETERNUS DX410)
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths ctlr=c6
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths ctlr=c7
In this example, "DISABLED" is displayed for the "sde" volume.
The controller number of the Fibre Channel card in which the volume cannot be recog-
nized is "c7".
Obtain and apply the Change LUN State Utility.
2-1 Obtain the Change LUN State Utility provided by each Fibre Channel card vendor.
- For QLogic Fibre Channel cards
Obtain the Change LUN State Utility from the QLogic web-site
- For Emulex Fibre Channel cards
Obtain the Change LUN State Utility from the Emulex web-site
Refer to each vendor web-site for details about the Change LUN State Utility.
dure specified by each vendor to change the state of the LUN to recognized.
Refer to each vendor web-site for details about how to apply the Change LUN State
Enable VERITAS Volume Manager.
Enable VERITAS Volume Manager using the "vxdctl" command.
# vxdctl enable
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Appendix A Restoration Procedure for when a Path Degrades in a VERITAS Volume
Manager Environment
Check the volume status.
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths ctlr=c<controller number>
Example (for ETERNUS DX410)
# vxdmpadm getsubpaths ctlr=c7
End of procedure
P3AM-3842-05ENZ0 ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems
Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel) for Linux
Date of issuance: August 2010
Issuance responsibility: FUJITSU LIMITED
The contents of this manual are liable to being updated without notice.
While the contents of this manual are the product of all due care and diligence, no
responsibility can be accepted for operational problems arising from any errors or
missing information, or other use of the information contained in this manual.
Fujitsu assumes no liability for damages to third party copyrights or other rights arising
from the use of any information in this manual.
Contents of this manual are not to be reproduced without permission from Fujitsu.
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